Play It Safe: Understanding Break Strength vs Working Load Limit on ratchet and cam straps!

Play It Safe: Understanding Break Strength vs Working Load Limit on ratchet and cam straps!

So, when we talk about break strength and working load limit (WLL), we're diving into how much weight or force a piece of gear can handle.

Break Strength:

Think of break strength as the point where your equipment says "I can't take it anymore!" and gives up, literally breaking or failing. It's like the max amount of force or load that a piece of gear can take before it's kaput. This number comes from tests where they pull the material from both ends until it breaks.

Working Load Limit (WLL):

Now, the working load limit is more like the everyday amount of weight or load that’s cool for a piece of equipment to handle safely. It's way less than the break strength—kinda like a safety buffer. It keeps things on the safe side, considering wear and tear, aging, and the environment.

So, in casual terms, break strength is the ultimate "can't do it anymore" point, and the WLL is the "play it safe and keep it cool" limit. Always stick to the WLL to keep things smooth and safe!
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